Phase 3: Clinic Appointments


On June 29th I had an internal ultrasound to check my egg growth and bloodwork to check my estrogen levels. If you’ve never had an internal ultrasound, it sounds scary but it’s really pretty straightforward and not all that uncomfortable. The ultrasound wand does need to move around your ovaries and the surrounding organs, but it’s more of an “odd” sensation than a painful or uncomfortable one. Most technicians are quite skilled at keeping the session as quick and comfortable as possible. 

I had about 20 follicles on each ovary, which is a lot! They also varied quite a bit in size, which is mostly typical but you really never know what to expect. They ranged from 10-21 mm in size. It was just a doctor, a nurse and me in the exam room, so it was about as private as you can get for this sort of appointment.  

Luckily, my clinic books exact appointment times and I was in and out quite quickly; however, the majority of clinics I have been to operate on a first come, first served basis starting at 7:00 a.m. At those clinics I would wait anywhere from one and a half hours to three hours to be seen, despite being there upon opening. This is a great thing to ask about in your first discussions with intended parents or at your initial consultant with their fertility doctor! 


My medications and schedule have not changed; I still inject the Orgalutran in the morning and then Gonal-F and MENOPUR in the evening. 

Side Effects 

I’ve had a light cough lately; I feel like I may be coming down with a cold or my immune system is otherwise taking a hit. I have been adding a drop of lemon essential oil in my water to support both overall wellness and my immune system throughout this cycle. I have also been rubbing Thieves & Copaiba oil mixed with a carrier oil along the bottoms of my feet, along my forearms and/or my neck and back to support my immune system and prepare my body for the upcoming retrieval. I’m experiencing occasional bloating, bitchiness and body aches.  

Warning Signs 

As I pointed out above, I do have a large quantity of eggs, so I am going to ask for my estrogen levels at my next appointment and keep an eye on the follicle count.  I’m not too worried yet because the follicles are so different in size, and I know we will lose some bigger ones. Not all 40 follicles currently growing will be retrievable eggs. I will have to wait and see what my next appointment brings. All I can do is be aware of my follicle count and hormone levels, both of which are potential indicators of OHSS, and keep communication open with clinic staff.


Self-Care Tips  

Enjoy a nice face mask or pedicure. Continue your meditation practice and preferred method of solo relaxation. It might be a good idea to participate in some gentle exercise, such as leisurely walks or soothing yoga. I treated my retrieval companion, who also happens to be my boyfriend, to a pedicure. It never hurts to share the self-care love with those helping you through your donation!

Her Helping Habit